Saturday, January 30, 2010

Belated New Years Resolutions

1. Pay off more than I spend on my Visa. (wasn't really possible this month because it still had Christmas stuff on it)

2. Only buy the necessities: groceries, cleaning products, things I need for the house. (no buying clothes or anything I WANT at least until this summer)

3. Make a new recipe at least every 2 weeks and put the pics on here...coming soon.

4. Only upload pics from my camera at the end of every month to take up less files on Picasa.

5. Start exercising on my new Wii Fit Plus on all my days off.

6. Start wearing a pedometer on my days off and when it gets warm enough to walk in the park again...only done this once so far, because it decided to reset itself and said I only took 37 I'm mad at the pedometer right now.

7. Look for a house to buy in this area and hopefully move out in June sometime.

8. Start some jigsaw puzzles and post the pics on here...bought 2 so far...hopefully I can figure out how to glue them together and frame them.

9. Avoid men as much as possible especially one in particular.

10. If by chance I meet a guy with said person's as fast as possible in the opposite direction.

1 comment:

  1. Love the new recipe idea, please let us know how it turns out or have us over for dinner...
