Saturday, July 31, 2010

Quotes Vol. 22

"No one ever listens to me. When the package is this pretty, no one cares what's inside." ~ Friends

"I thought this was going to be the most difficult thing I ever had to do. But when I saw you walking down that aisle I realized how simple it was. I love you. Any surprises that come our way, it's okay, because I will always love you. You are the person I was meant to spend the rest of my life with." ~ Friends

"I found everything that I'd ever been looking for my whole life. And we are...with our future before us...and I only want to spend it with you, my prince, my soul mate, my friend." ~ Friends

"It can't be any harder than this...I mean, if I had known the last time I saw you would be the last time, I...I would have stopped to memorize your face, the way you move, everything about you. If I had known the last time I kissed you would have been the last time...I never would have stopped." ~ Friends

"He could be anywhere in the world but he chooses to be with her because life is better with her by his side." ~ The Perfect Man

"It's like all the bad stuff that you went through that you hated along the way: the people who disappointed you, the things that didn't go the way you wanted, suddenly, you feel grateful for them, because those are the things that got you to here, to this." ~ The Perfect Man

"Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer." ~ Ed Cunningham

"I believe that sometimes you have to look reality in the eye and deny it."

"The less said the better." ~ Jane Austen

"There are no little events in life. Those we think of no consequence might be full of fate." ~ Amelia Barr

"Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed." ~ Samuel Johnson

"The most important thing in life is your family. There are days you love them, and others you don't, but in the end they're the people you always come home to. Sometimes it's the family you're born into and sometimes it's the one you make for yourself." ~ Sex and the City

"Let's be honest. Sometimes there is nothing harder in life than being happy for somebody else. Like lottery winners. Or extremely successful people who are 27. And then there's that hell on earth that only your closest friends can inflict on you--the baby shower." ~ Sex and the City

"Puberty is a phase. Fifteen years of rejection is a lifestyle." ~ Sex and the City

"I'm nice. I'm pretty, and smart! I'm a catch! I've been dating since I was fifteen! I'm exhausted! Where is he?" ~ Sex and the City

"I have a date with a dildo." ~ Sex and the City

"My vagina's depressed." ~ Sex and the City

"You pull me off my unicorn, you tear away my gossamer petticoat, and you put your schooner deep inside my Rebecca." ~ Sex and the City

"You men have no idea what we're dealing with down there. Teeth placement, and jaw stress, and suction, and gag reflex, and all the while bobbing up and down, moaning and trying to breathe through our noses. Easy? Honey, they don't call it a job for nothin'" ~ Sex and the City

"I will never be the woman with the perfect hair, who can wear white and not spill on it." ~ Sex and the City

"Why do we clutch at this baggage, even when we're desperate to move on? Because we all know there's a chance we might let go too soon." ~ Desperate Housewives

"Look in your heart, because I'm in there, just like you're inside mine." ~ Desperate Housewives

"Whenever a friend succeeds, a little something in me dies." ~ Gore Vidal

"After a while, you just want to be with the one who makes you laugh." ~ Sex and the City

"Wise men never say what they think of women." ~ Samuel Butler

"Life can only be understood backwards, but it has to be lived forwards." ~ Soren Kierkegaard

"I'm impossible to forget, but I'm hard to remember." ~ Elizabethtown

"Have the courage to fail big and stick around. Make them wonder why you're still smiling." ~ Elizabethtown

"We were complete opposites and it worked. And something happened between us that was not part of the plan...we were in love." ~ Elizabethtown

"I was still waiting for everything to start, and now it's over." ~ Elizabethtown

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