Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bake Sale

Here are two of the desserts that I made for our bake sale for NAMI last month. The third recipe was cookies and cream cupcakes, which I have already shown on here.
First up was Chocolate Swirl Blondies. Making the chocolate part...
Pour that into the pan...

Next make the blondie part...

Pour on top and make swirls with a toothpick...

I would suggest making both parts and then alternating pouring, because as you can see, they didn't really swirl together very well.

Caught a slice shot as I was bagging them up for sale. I didn't really like the blondie part, but they sold really well and everyone said they were good.

Next up, Lollipop Swirl Cookies. First you make some dough...

Take half of it and dye it a color of your choice...

Refrigerate them for an hour then roll both sections out on wax paper. (Which was impossible to do since the paper kept scooting all over the counter, I don't know what you are supposed to do to stop that.) I had to roll out the white part on the counter, which made it stick a little.

Slap both sections together and roll up like a log. No that is not a white turd...

Cut into slices and stick a lollipop stick in them.

Bake, and here's what you get.

Then I arranged them in my orange bucket to sell.

I bought some chocolate eggs to fill up the gaps in between the cookies, but there weren't any gaps. I didn't think they would fill up the bucket that well.

Here you can see the eggs I tried to squish in between. These were also good despite them not having any frosting.

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