Friday, January 1, 2010

Quotes Vol. 14

"I wanted you to fight for me. I wanted you to say that there was no one else you could ever be with and that you'd rather be alone than without me."

"I knew I loved you when I realized that there was no one else I would rather laugh, cry and make memories with." ~ S. Zubrinic

"I think after so much of much of the drama, you get yourself to a point where you just become numb. Yeah, you feel a little pain when you're let down, but after that shockwave, you just dwindle away into oblivion and it's like you just don't feel anything...the feeling of the pain leaves you, but the heartache is still there...thoughts keep replaying in your head...moments...words...smiles...laughter...the one thing I've learned from all of this though is, it's a give and take's a trade put your heart out for the other person to hold on to...and in return you expect them not to break it...and as for true just's not about how many hours you spend with them...or the kisses...or the gifts...not about who loves who's about what you would give up just to be with that person...what you would do to be able to call them the love of your life. You learn to compromise with true learn how to take responsibility for your learn to be be selfless...and it's within learning from true love that we find ourselves...we find out what we're made of. We learn just how far our limits take far we'll go for love."

"He's the one that comes along once in a lifetime. He's never held back with you. He's risked everything. And you're about to let him fly because you don't like ultimatums? If he's not the guy, if what he needs from you just isn't there, let him go. Break his heart, and make it a clean break. But if you really think you can love this guy... I'm talking scary, messy, no-emotions-barred need...if you're ready for that...then think about what you're about to lose." ~ Buffy the Vampire Slayer

"In my world there are people in chains and we can ride them like ponies." ~ Buffy the Vampire Slayer

"I feel like I'm worse than anyone. Honestly, I'm beneath them. My friends, my boyfriends. I feel like I'm not worthy of their love. Cause even though they love me, it doesn't mean anything cause their opinions don't matter. They don't know. They haven't been through what I've been through." ~ Buffy the Vampire Slayer

"You are only what you are when no one is looking."

"Don't regret anything that ever made you smile."

"I thought I was going to faint while barfing." ~ Angel

"I hate my wild imagination because it always makes life so disappointing."

"I just know that when you're around, whether I see you or not, I feel you. Inside. And it throws me." ~ Angel

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~ Dr. Seuss

"We only see what we wanna see and believe what we want to believe. And it works. We lie to ourselves so much that after a while the lies start to seem like the truth. We deny so much that we can't recognize the truth...right in front of our faces. Sometimes reality has a way of sneaking up and biting us in the ass." ~ Grey's Anatomy

"Then there's the kind of pain you can't ignore. A level of pain so great that it blocks out anything else. Makes the rest of the world fade away. Until all we can think about is how much we hurt. How we manage our pain is up to us. Pain. We anaesthetize it, ride it out, embrace it, ignore it. And for some of us the best way to manage pain is to just push through it. Pain. You just have to ride it out. Hope it goes away on its own. Hope that the wound that caused it heals. There are no solutions. No easy answers. You just breathe deep and wait for it to subside. Most of the time pain can be managed. But sometimes the pain gets to you when you least expect it. It's way below the belt and doesn't let up. Pain. You just have to fight through because the truth is you can't outrun it. And life always makes more." ~ Grey's Anatomy

"My point is this...whoever said what you don't know can't hurt you was a complete and total moron. Because for most people I know not knowing is the worst feeling in the world. But as human beings, sometimes it's better to stay in the dark. Because in the dark there may be fear...but there's also hope." ~ Grey's Anatomy

"Communication. It's the first thing we really learn in life. Funny thing is once we grow up, learn our words and really start talking; the harder it becomes to know what to say or how to ask for what we really need. At the end of the day there are some things you just can't help but talk about. Some things we just don't want to hear. And some things we say because we can't be silent any longer. Some things are more than what you say. They're what you do. Some things you say because there's no other choice. Some things you keep to yourself. And not too often...but every now and then...some things simply speak for themselves." ~ Grey's Anatomy

"For a kiss to be really good you want it to mean something. You want it to be with someone you can't get out of your head. So that when your lips finally touch you feel it everywhere. A kiss so hot, so deep you never wanna come up for air." ~ Grey's Anatomy

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