Both of these recipes are from Pinterest.
The first one is barbecue pulled pork in a crockpot.
Get a pork butt and stick it in the crockpot...
Cover with a bottle of Sweet Baby Rays and a can of Diet Pepsi...
Also add some Lawry's Seasoned Salt and cook for 4 hours...
This recipe sucks!! The pork didn't pull apart hardly at all...major pain in the butt and not worth it.
I would try to cook it longer with more marinades if I were to do this again, because as you can see in the last picture it just stews in juices, not barbecue sauce, as it should.
Next is the Boston cream poke cake.
Get a box of yellow cake mix, bake it and then poke round holes all over...
Make 2 boxes of vanilla pudding and pour it over just before it starts to thicken...
I must've waited a minute too long, because it was pretty thick when I poured didn't really go down into the holes, so I would pour it as soon as I'm done stirring next time.
Microwave a tub of chocolate frosting so it gets melty and smooth it over the top. Unfortunately since the pudding was all sitting on top, the frosting all sat on top of the pudding...
A pic of a piece. This was freaking delicious even though the pudding didn't go down into the holes much. It is super moist and I was eating it for days, I kept this one all to myself.