Here's my list of last years resolutions with my comments on how they went below them:
1. Pay off more than I spend on my Visa. (wasn't really possible this month because it still had Christmas stuff on it)
~~HA!! I think I did this for awhile until the economy decided to screw me over and double my interest rate for no reason. So now I'm no longer using said Visa card and trying to pay it off (which will only happen if I marry a millionaire in my lifetime)~~
2. Only buy the necessities: groceries, cleaning products, things I need for the house. (no buying clothes or anything I WANT at least until this summer)
~~I am still doing this for the most part with the exception of some lamp making materials and Christmas presents recently. I have only bought a handful of clothes this year and may have to become a nudist soon.~~
3. Make a new recipe at least every 2 weeks and put the pics on here...coming soon.
~~Have been doing this fairly regularly and I have a ton of new recipes that I still need to try out.~~
4. Only upload pics from my camera at the end of every month to take up less files on Picasa.
~~This was an easy one that I could definitely do, even if some pics from events are slightly overdue, whatever.~~
5. Start exercising on my new Wii Fit Plus on all my days off.
~~HAHAHA. Not happening at all, especially in the winter when I have no motivation. I got on the Wii Fit at some point during the summer and it said that I hadn't been on in 99 days. I don't even want to know what it would say now.~~
6. Start wearing a pedometer on my days off and when it gets warm enough to walk in the park again...only done this once so far, because it decided to reset itself and said I only took 37 I'm mad at the pedometer right now.
~~Well I didn't use the broken pedometer obviously, but I did walk every chance I got during the summer, which wasn't a lot since I spent most of my days off walking through Barnes. But it still counts...~~
7. Look for a house to buy in this area and hopefully move out in June sometime.
~~HAHAHA. Yeah I looked hard at many really crappy houses that I would never be able to fix up on my own. And since the economy screwed me over, this was not happening. Even though a mortgage would be like 2/3 the price of my rent!! Seriously though they just don't want to give houses to single people anymore.~~
8. Start some jigsaw puzzles and post the pics on here...bought 2 so far...hopefully I can figure out how to glue them together and frame them.
~~Did that and wish I had more space to continue doing it now, but lamp making has taken over. I did frame one puzzle for myself and one for Mike though.~~
9. Avoid men as much as possible especially one in particular.
~~I didn't see said person for a little over a year, but it is always inevitable between us no matter how long we go without speaking. He started calling during the summer and I avoided him until October. Things are going slow (too slow for me anyway), but they are going in a somewhat forward motion. There's no denying of feelings anymore and his eyes light up when he looks at me. No matter how long it takes, he is the only person that I can talk to about anything with no judgement.~~
10. If by chance I meet a guy with said person's as fast as possible in the opposite direction.
~~See above.~~
Now for my resolutions this year:
1. Pay off my car. Which should happen by May and then I can use that money to continue paying down that damn Visa card.
2. Sell some damn lamps! They're on in case you hadn't heard. And if they don't start selling there, I need to find some craft shows to get into in 2011, especially the Strange Folk Festival!
3. Have a big yard sale this spring with the whole family!! I have had stuff piling up in the garage for at least 2 years and I'm going to clean out my closet and drawers this week, so get ready people cause you're helping!!
4. Continue talking to a certain person and not let him get away with going MIA again because of peer pressure from a certain friend who is miserable and wants to make everyone else miserable.
....ummm, that's all I can think of right now. I'll let you know if any new ones pop up in the next couple weeks.....
Monday, December 27, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Bacon and Cheese Stuffed Chicken & Shrimp Parmesan
Saturday, December 18, 2010
More lamps...and a baby blanket
First up is my favorite lamp I've made so far...because it's orange, duh! It's a Gordon's London Dry Gin bottle, for sale on
Here it is all lit up... I'm working on the picture quality...
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