"Sometimes people don't want to fall in love. Because when you love someone it's too late to set conditions. You can't say I'll love you if you do this or I'll love you if you change that. Because you can't help yourself and then you have to live with whoever it is you fall in love with however they are and just put up with the difficulties you've made for yourself. Because true love has no conditions. That's why it's so awful to fall in love."
"Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason."
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." ~ Dr. Seuss
"Oh fizzy...kinda weird and fizzy, but excited...a little sad...thankful...sorta cautiously happy...relieved and worried at the same time, and slightly nauseous while still being hopeful." ~ Angel
"Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down. Do you care enough to do that?"
"It is with narrow-souled people as with narrow-necked bottles, the less they have in them the more noise they make in pouring it out." ~ Alexander Pope
"My friends tell me that I have a tendency to point out problems without offering solutions, but they never tell me what I should do about it." ~ Daniel Gilbert
"Every storm brings with it hope that somehow by morning, everything will be made clean again. And even the most troubling stains will have disappeared. Like the doubts over his innocence, or the consequences of his mistake, like the scars of his betrayal, or the memory of his kiss. Some wait for the storm to pass hoping for the best, even though we know in our hearts some stains are so indelible, nothing can wash them away." ~ Desperate Housewives
"Have you met the perfect couple? The two soul mates whose love never dies? The two lovers whose relationship is never threatened. The husband and wife who trust each other completely. If you haven't met the perfect couple, let me introduce you. They stand atop a layer of butter cream frosting. The secret of their success? Well, for starters, they don't have to look at each other." ~ Desperate Housewives
"If you have a boat and a happy marriage, you don't need another thing." ~ Ed McMahon
"There are two kinds of people in this life: those who walk into a room and say, 'Well, here I am!' And those who walk in and say, 'Ahh, there you are.'"
"Psychologists tell us everyone automatically gravitates toward that which is pleasurable and pulls away from that which is painful. For many people, thinking is painful."
"Any idiot can face a crisis--it's day to day living that wears you out." ~ Anton Chekhov
"This job would be great if it wasn't for the fucking customers." ~ Clerks
"A single moment of true joy is more powerful than a lifetime of sorrow." ~ Dawson's Creek
"You don't understand. I've...I've spent years building this...This complex series of--of booby traps so that...Nobody would ever get too close, and then you came along...With that big beating heart of yours, and...You broke all those walls down, and it's just really scary. I mean...What if I lose you?" ~ Dawson's Creek
"Wherever we go next, it's hard to imagine life without you." ~ Dawson's Creek
"I can't for the life of me figure out how loving somebody translates into leaving them behind." ~ Dawson's Creek
"How am I supposed to fix my life if I don't even know where I went wrong? I just want to go back. I just want to start over. Why can't I start over?" ~ Dawson's Creek
"Just because we're not together anymore does not change my feelings for you." ~ Dawson's Creek
"It hurts to be around you. When I see you, even from across the room, it brings up a thousand memories. Not just of us, but of my entire life before. It's like I'm frozen in this place that I can't bear to be. I care about you so much. As long as I can remember, everything's always come back to you. I mean, even no matter what was happening between us. Even the thought of you is at least a constant comfort, but...I can't go back. It just hurts." ~ Dawson's Creek
"I don't feel loved. I go through each day and I don't think anybody loves me. And I know it's pathetic but it's the way I feel and I'm too young to feel this way." ~ Dawson's Creek
"It's like a best friend, but more. It's the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. It's someone who makes you a better person, well, actually they don't make you a better person...you do that yourself--because they inspire you. A soulmate is someone who you carry with you forever. It's the one person who knew you, and accepted you, and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would. And no matter what happens...you'll always love them." ~ Dawson's Creek
Friday, June 18, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
2nd time donuts and barbecue pork steaks
This is my second recipe attempt at making donuts. They tasted good this time, but the icing still doesn't set up firmly. It also had some chunkiness issues... Gonna wait awhile before I try them again.
I was planning a special type of donut to eat before the Susan G. Komen race. But, since these aren't working out so well, I found another cookie/bar recipe to use. If you are going to the Susan G. Komen race this year, you should come by my house around 7 for the special top-secret treat since I live right next to the Metrolink.
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